Monday, January 27, 2020

Weekly Update: Making Plans

I started having some eye strain issues last week so I decided it'd be a grand time to take a bit of a screen break. It's totally my fault. I forgot that I ought to be wearing my glasses. Naughty me. But, the time offline was far from wasted. I grabbed a notebook and started making goals for 2020. These aren't New Year's resolutions. They're projects/goals that I'd like to accomplish and I broke each one down into "bite sized" pieces. They range from the house to business to personal. In fact, I'm still working on it when I get a few minutes here and there. Having it has given me a life line so to speak. When I'm anxious and don't know what to do, I have a plan right there in front of me.

Other than that, it's been fairly quiet around here. Ben had his first Special Olympics basketball tournament on Saturday which was fun. His team came in 3rd in their division. He scored twice and was great on defense. I'm super proud of him.

Roger turned 19 today. I can't believe that I'm mom to a 19 year old and a 20 year old. It doesn't seem possible but there they are proving me wrong.

Wow, this post feels really disjointed. I'm getting a headache which I think is causing it. So, for now, I'm going to sign off, make some tacos and then get ready to go take Ben to practice. Y'all have a great week!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Weekly Update: 95%

I'm back! I'm not 100%, but I'd put me at about 95%. I'm finally able to get through the day without having to take a nap. My body would like me to take one, but I'm not having to do it. My cough was gone, but yesterday I had to go out and do some shoveling and clearing off the car. Since then, I've been coughing some again...deep coughs. I hope it's not a sign that something is coming back. Fingers crossed!

On other fronts, I've started working on making sure that I'm taking my medicine every night. I have missed 4 days this month but I'm not beating myself up over it. I'll get back into the routine. I may move my pills up to my bedroom so they're "in my face" at bedtime. I haven't quite decided yet.

The kids are all doing well. Ben is doing Special Olympics basketball and has his first tournament this coming Saturday. Roger had a concert last night and it went really well. Dylan...well, I mostly hear about girls from him. I hope he's applying himself that much to his studies. He's impatient to get to the advanced courses and think the early ones are a waste of time.

I know this is a super short update, but I'm kind of blank as to what to write about today. So, for now...have a grand week and I'll see you soon!

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