Mamavation Monday - Time For Change
I should be upset, but I'm not. When I sat down last night and looked back at my week, I saw this coming. I knew that the scale was going to tell me how all of my bad habits had snuck back in. Heck, forget snuck..they jumped right back in and had a party that I'd let my guard down. Yep, I blew it. I know it and I acknowledge it and now, I'm moving on. Beating myself up will only continue to let those bad habits have their way. Well, I refuse to let that happen.
So, this week, it's time to take this problem and turn it into an opportunity. Instead of focusing on all the "bad things" I did last week, I'm taking that knowledge and turning it around so I can focus on how to do just the opposite. Instead of barely getting in my water, I am publicly stating right here that my new water goal is 84oz a day. That's 3 of my water bottles. Instead of focusing on how I didn't work out at all (barring 100 jumping jacks/crunches..Thanks ladies! Seriously. I needed someone to kick my ass a bit.) I am stating right here that I will work out 3x this week. I'm going to do the EAS once and the walking dvd twice. Instead of thinking about some of the garbage I ate last week, I am going to write out my dinners on a paper and put it on my fridge so there is no question each night of what's for dinner. I made a menu plan and now I need to stick with it.
That folks is my plan and I put it here in black & white so that all of you can push me. My workout days will be Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday. If you see me online one of those days, ask me if I've done it. Text me, tweet me, email me...Push me. If I get cranky about it, tell me to shut the duck up. Seriously. I know that I'm pms'ing which means this week will bring along another addition to the party, but I am *NOT* going to let that get in my way. I can't. I have to do this. The time is now and I'm counting on all of you to remind me of that.
Water Intake: Averaged 64oz
Workout: 100 jumping jacks/100 crunches (Thanks Angela and Shelly!)
Weight Change: +1.8 (yes, I am retaining due to you know what but this # will change!)