Happy Monday, world. This is not going to be an easy post to write. I'm about to open myself up in a way that maybe I haven't before. I hope that you'll stick with me until the end.
I realized something last night. I've been out of control and probably a little bit in denial about it. It's not just my weight loss. It's pretty much run over into every area of my life.
My house is a disaster. I've joked that if someone came in, they'd say it ought to be condemned or that I ought to be on an episode of Hoarders. This is an exaggeration, of course. It's not like I have things in piles above my head or even up to my knees. However, the place is a total disaster. There isn't a clean dish (or not many) in the house. Things have been thrown everywhere.
As for my weight loss, it's not a loss. I gained another 2.2 pounds this week. That means I'm only 3.8 pounds under where I started. I've spent the last week in denial as I let the old habits creep back in. I stopped eating breakfast. I did wall pushups but not enough to prevent a loss. I ate pretty much whatever I wanted. I totally sabotaged myself.
The thing is....and this is the hard part of this....I know why I did this. Two weeks ago, my heart was badly broken. Even though chances are I didn't really do anything to cause this (it was an issue of circumstances), psychologically I went into what I dub scared little girl mode. I shut down. Inside my head, I heard don't lose the weight. Stay fat. Nobody wants a fat girl and you'll be safe. Nobody will hurt you like that again. He's losing huge amounts of weight. He's popular and someday he'll be famous. Of course he didn't want you.
I heard it and I listened to it. Then you add in the knee injury and I wallowed in it. I had every excuse for why I couldn't do things. My weight loss cheerleaders weren't around much this past week and I didn't realize how bad I'd gotten until one of them texted me to apologize for that. My response was it's ok. I haven't done much to cheer for. Umm..wow.
On one hand it was the honest to god's truth. On the other, just how bad am I feeling about myself that without thinking that's my response? So, here I am. Essentially, I'm starting over again and I'm scared. I'm scared that I won't be able to get past this knowledge that losing the weight might open me up to more pain. I'm also scared that I've lost this person forever. You see, he was possibly my best friend before all of this happened and I want that back. Honestly, looking back, we made much better friends than we might have made anything else and I can't live in what might have been. However, I can desperately miss one of my number one cheerleaders and friends.
I don't know if this post is different than any of my other posts. I know that usually I'm upbeat and positive and that is part of me. However, that's not where I am today. Today I realize just how bad things are. I've realized that my mental and psychological state over the past two weeks (and over a good portion of my life) is tapping me on the shoulder saying hey, you need to deal with me too. The diet and exercise is great but you have to deal with the abuse of your past before you can truly move on.
So, this is me...raw and a little more open...and wanting to move on.
Average Water Intake: 56oz
Workouts: 40 or so wall pushups a day
Weight Change: +2.2 (up to 288 again)
Overall Weight Change: -3.8 pounds