Monday, August 22, 2011

Mamavation Monday - Homework is Fun

I cannot believe how fast this summer is whipping by. It just doesn't seem possible that it's Monday again. The calendar says it is though. So, what have I been up to this past week?

Let's see...Most of last week was taken up with cleaning and preparing to go down to Toledo to celebrate with Chris and Lauren. Can I just say that they are seriously one good looking couple? I'm so happy to see them so happy. They had a great reception and I hope they enjoyed it as much as their guests did. I know that the boys had fun and that they especially liked the hotel that we stayed at. I don't blame them I thought it was really nice too. Plus, we got a free breakfast and the boys got an hour in the pool before we headed back North. 

On the way home, we stopped by my grandmother's house and I was happy to see her up and making herself some lunch. My mother has been spreading stories about how she has lung cancer and breast cancer and let me tell you, she had me scared. There's still the chance of cancer but she's been cleared in both of those areas. She's undergoing more tests and they'll be going over the results with her doctor, mid-September. That tells me that this isn't a panic situation. I can relax a little.

As for now, the boys and I are preparing for company, camping and the start of school. I found out last night that their dad's girlfriend did a benefit sale on her Etsy shop and raised enough money to buy Ben a new netbook for school. That means the laptop that Ryan sent us will stay here at my house and be used to work on computer skills for both of the boys. I am so very thankful for the support that people have shown us. It truly is amazing what people will do to help when you just reach out. Please, go and give both Misty and Ryan some love.  
Speaking of love, I just have to say that I have loved all the homework chats that Gena and I have instigated this week. I'm envious that she got asked to speak tonight at Mamavation tv. I know she's going to have everyone laughing and smiling though. Of course, that reminds me of the other thing I started this week. I've started a new website partially inspired by the homework discussions. It's called Straight Sex Talk and it can be found at . That's a nice and easy url, huh?

I bet you've noticed that I haven't mentioned a single thing about fitness or weight loss in this post. That's because this past week was also one where I did a bit of self-reflection. I realized that I've been feeding myself (and you that read) a bunch of excuses as to why I wasn't doing what I should be doing.  That's all they are.  So, I'm starting over and I'm starting with water. Just water. I'm not pushing myself to the point where it's too much and I give up. I'm going to find my water bottle, get it filled up and start drinking while I leave my comment love for my sistas.

Average Daily Water Intake: 30oz
Workouts: Nothing formal.
Weight Change:276.6 (-.4 pounds)
Overall Weight Change: -15.0 pounds


Question: Why do you think exploring intimacy is an important part of a healthy lifestyle?
As humans, we all have a desire to belong and to love and be loved. Intimacy is a part of how we meet this need. Intimacy doesn't have to be physical. An intimate relationship is simply a close interpersonal relationship. Exploring those types of relationships fulfills those needs and helps us to be healthier (mentally) and happier people.
 “This post is sponsored by Eden Fantasys and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation.


Carter Family

WooooHoooo Im the first one to comment.... Love you soo much Wifey and you are doing a great job beginning again. Its great to do some self reflection, and restart. See you tonight


15 pounds is a pretty impressive and significant number. That's awesome and I'm proud of how far you've come. Keep it up and I know you'll meet all your goals. Great job!


Baby steps, Love. Baby steps. And you are kicking these baby steps ass. <3


now I see the comment link!! couldn't find it for the life of me! :) thanks! good job on the water intake! glad your mom is free of cancer for now. I know how scary that must be. (Between my mom battling cancer off and on for 3-4 yrs now, and my dad just dying of liver disease.) The thought of losing our parents can be scary! Will pray your mom stays healthy and cancer-free!


I love that your beau is such a big supporter of your healthy lifestyle. I'll be back to check put your new site. Great job preparing for the school year. Thanks for all the help with #CWCT


WOW looks like you are ready for the school time to start like most of us too...LOL...good job on taking it one at a time. Keep up the steady pace! Rooting you on!


first of all, I HAVE to say that I love seeing Justin comment on your blog. Support IRL is so important and his comment made me smile for you!

but more than that, I'm proud of you. you've been through so much and each step makes you stronger. Keep plugging away and you will get to where you want to go.

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